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Waiting 240 Minutes Before Advertising Again

1. I (talk) over the phone when they brought me the letter.

A) talked C) had been talking

B) had talked D) was talking

2. They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.

A) saturday C) had been sitting

B) had sabbatum D) were sitting

three. He speedily forgot everything he (acquire) at schoolhouse.

A) learnt C) had been learning

B) had learnt D) was learning

four. I visited Brazil in April, I (stay) at a prissy hotel for a fortnight.

A) stayed C) had been staying

B) had stayed D) was staying

5. I (stay) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.

A) stayed C) had been staying

B) had stayed D) was staying

six. The musician (play) the piano for a whole hr when we came in.

A) played C) had been playing

B) had played D) was playing

7. Alice closed the magazine and rose from the sofa on which she (lie) for more than than ii hours.

A) lay C) had been lying

B) had lain D) was lying

8. A man (be) unconscious for a few minutes when an ambulance arrived.

A) was

B) had been

C) had beingness

9. We (walk) forth a forest road for two hours when we saw a house.

A) walked C) had been walking

B) had walked D) were walking

ten. I (talk) over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door.

A) talked C) had been talking

B) had talked D) was talking

11. I inappreciably (stop) speaking with a porter when the phone rang again.

A) finished C) had been finishing

B) had hardly finished D) was finishing

12. Starting time I (reply) the phone, then I read your letter.

A) answered C) had been answering

B) had answered D) was answering

13. And I began writing to you instead of going to the seaside, as I (plan) before.

A) planned C) had been planning

B) had planned D) was planning


1d; 2d; 3b; 4d; 5c; 6c; 7c; 8b; 9c; 10c; 11b; 12a; 13b.


1. I saw a light in your window every bit I (pass) past.

A) passed

B) was passing

2. Yesterday as I was walking downwards Ruby Lane, I (encounter) Thomas, an old friend of mine.

A) met

B) was coming together

3. Liz'south elder brother said that he (go) to enter Leeds Univer­sity.

A) went

B) was going

4. While my son (expect) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.

A) waited

B) was waiting

v. We (just / talk) virtually him when he all of a sudden (come up) in.

A) just talked A) came in

B) were just talking B) was coming in

6. Yesterday while Dad (shave), he (cut) himself slightly.

A) shaved A) cut

B) was shaving B) was cut

7. They (quarrel) while they (wash) their car.

A) quarrelled A) washed

B) were quarrelling B) were washing


1b; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5b,a; 6b,a; 7a,b.

Past PERFECT/ Past Unproblematic

1. I (wake upward) early and got out of bed.

A) woke up

B) had woken upwards

2. I got out of bed an hour later I (wake up).

A) woke up

B) had woken up

3. We were late. The meeting (start) an 60 minutes before.

A) started

B) had started

four. She was the most delightful person I (ever / see).

A) ever met

B) had e'er met

5. That morning she (clothes), (phone) somebody, and went out.

A) dressed, phoned

B) had dressed, had phoned

6. That morning she went out after she (phone) somebody.

A) phoned

B) had phoned

7. He was tired because he (work) difficult in the garden all day.

A) worked

B) had worked

8. The sunday (set), it (get) night, and we went home.

A) set, got

B) had ready, got

ix. The Hills were in a hurry, but they (take) a taxi and managed to arrive exactly on time.

A) took

B) had taken

x. The Hills managed to arrive exactly on time because they (take) a taxi.

A) took

B) had taken

xi. He said he (break) the lamp post.

A) bankrupt

B) had broken

12. We asked Peter to come with us, but he refused. He (already /promise) to play football with his friends.

A) already promised

B) had already promised

13. I saw a prissy kitten when I (open) the basket.

A) opened

B) had opened

xiv. Later on I (write) all my letters, I went to the kitchen to make java.

A) wrote

B) had written

fifteen. She (hardly / finish) speaking over the telephone when the telephone rang again.

A) hardly finished

B) had hardly finished


1a; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9a; 10b; 11b; 12b; 13a; 14b; 15b.

1. I (talk) over the phone when they brought me the alphabetic character.


A) talked C) had been talking

B) had talked D) was talking

2. They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.

A) sat C) had been sitting

B) had sat D) were sitting

three. He quickly forgot everything he (learn) at schoolhouse.

A) learnt C) had been learning

B) had learnt D) was learning

four. I visited Brazil in April, I (stay) at a nice hotel for a fortnight.

A) stayed C) had been staying

B) had stayed D) was staying

five. I (stay) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.

A) stayed C) had been staying

B) had stayed D) was staying

six. The musician (play) the piano for a whole hr when we came in.

A) played C) had been playing

B) had played D) was playing

vii. Alice closed the magazine and rose from the sofa on which she (lie) for more than than two hours.

A) lay C) had been lying

B) had lain D) was lying

8. A man (exist) unconscious for a few minutes when an ambulance arrived.

A) was

B) had been

C) had being

9. Nosotros (walk) along a forest route for two hours when nosotros saw a business firm.

A) walked C) had been walking

B) had walked D) were walking

10. I (talk) over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door.

A) talked C) had been talking

B) had talked D) was talking

xi. I hardly (finish) speaking with a porter when the phone rang again.

A) finished C) had been finishing

B) had hardly finished D) was finishing

12. First I (answer) the phone, and then I read your letter.

A) answered C) had been answering

B) had answered D) was answering

13. And I began writing to you lot instead of going to the seaside, as I (program) before.

A) planned C) had been planning

B) had planned D) was planning


1d; 2nd; 3b; 4d; 5c; 6c; 7c; 8b; 9c; 10c; 11b; 12a; 13b.


1. I saw a light in your window as I (pass) by.

A) passed

B) was passing

two. Yesterday equally I was walking down Cherry Lane, I (meet) Thomas, an one-time friend of mine.

A) met

B) was meeting

3. Liz'due south elder brother said that he (get) to enter Leeds Univer­sity.

A) went

B) was going

4. While my son (look) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.

A) waited

B) was waiting

5. We (just / talk) virtually him when he suddenly (come up) in.

A) just talked A) came in

B) were just talking B) was coming in

6. Yesterday while Dad (shave), he (cut) himself slightly.

A) shaved A) cutting

B) was shaving B) was cut

seven. They (quarrel) while they (wash) their auto.

A) quarrelled A) done

B) were quarrelling B) were washing


1b; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5b,a; 6b,a; 7a,b.


1. I (wake up) early and got out of bed.

A) woke up

B) had woken up

2. I got out of bed an hour later I (wake up).

A) woke upwardly

B) had woken up

3. We were late. The meeting (offset) an hour earlier.

A) started

B) had started

four. She was the most delightful person I (always / meet).

A) ever met

B) had ever met

5. That morning she (dress), (phone) somebody, and went out.

A) dressed, phoned

B) had dressed, had phoned

half dozen. That morning she went out afterwards she (telephone) somebody.

A) phoned

B) had phoned

vii. He was tired because he (work) hard in the garden all day.

A) worked

B) had worked

viii. The sun (prepare), it (get) nighttime, and we went domicile.

A) set up, got

B) had set, got

9. The Hills were in a hurry, merely they (take) a taxi and managed to arrive exactly on time.

A) took

B) had taken

10. The Hills managed to arrive exactly on time because they (take) a taxi.

A) took

B) had taken

11. He said he (intermission) the lamp mail service.

A) broke

B) had broken

12. Nosotros asked Peter to come up with u.s., but he refused. He (already /promise) to play football with his friends.

A) already promised

B) had already promised

xiii. I saw a nice kitten when I (open up) the basket.

A) opened

B) had opened

14. Later I (write) all my messages, I went to the kitchen to make coffee.

A) wrote

B) had written

15. She (inappreciably / cease) speaking over the phone when the telephone rang again.

A) hardly finished

B) had inappreciably finished


1a; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9a; 10b; 11b; 12b; 13a; 14b; 15b.

Waiting 240 Minutes Before Advertising Again
