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What Does or That Art in Macbeth Mean Act 2 Scene 1

Macbeth: Deed 2, Scene one

with a torch earlier him:   Fleance has the torch "before him" because he is trying to observe his way. After we learn that "the moon is downward" and the stars shed no light. Thus does Shakespeare let us know that information technology is a very dark night.

   Enter BANQUO, and FLEANCE with a torch
     earlier him.

  1How goes the night, male child?

Elise Edwards as Fleance; Maclin Schweger as Banquo.

Southeast Missouri State University, 2015

  2The moon is down; I have not heard the clock.

  3And she goes down at twelve.

                                                I accept't, 'tis subsequently, sir.


four.husbandry: thriftiness.

  ivHold, accept my sword. At that place'due south husbandry in heaven;

5.Take thee that as well: Here editors often add a stage direction, "Gives him his chugalug and dagger." 6.A heavy summons lies like lead upon me: i.e., I am extremely sleepy. 7.And all the same I would non sleep: but I don't want to slumber. powers: angels charged with helping people fight demons. 8.Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature / Gives manner to in repose!: If Macbeth had said these lines, they would be easier to interpret: Macbeth has been having "cursed thoughts" of killing his king, which his human nature has given style to. But what could be Banquo's "cursed thoughts"?

  5Their candles are all out. Take thee that as well.
  6A heavy summons lies like lead upon me,
  7And nevertheless I would not sleep. Merciful powers,
  eightRestrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature
  9Gives way to in repose!

Enter MACBETH, and a Servant with a torch.

Give me my sword.
 10Who'south there?

 11A friend.

 12What, sir, not still at rest? The male monarch'due south a-bed:
 13He hath been in unusual pleasure, and

fourteen.largess: gratuities. your offices: service locales in Macbeth's castle such as the kitchen, the stable, and the laundry. sixteen-17.and shut up / In measureless content: and [he] concluded by expressing his measureless content.

 14Sent along neat largess to your offices.
 xvThis diamond he greets your wife withal,
 16By the proper name of most kind hostess; and shut up
 17In measureless content.


17-19.Being unprepared ... wrought: i.east., because we were unprepared for King Duncan's visit, what nosotros wanted to practise to entertain the male monarch had to give way to what we could do with limited resource; otherwise, our desire to serve the king would take had free rein.

                                         Being unprepared,
 18Our will became the servant to defect;
 nineteenWhich else should free take wrought.

                                                           All'south well.
 twentyI dreamt last dark of the three weird sisters:
 21To you they accept evidence'd some truth.

                                                 I think not of them;
 22Still, when nosotros can entreat an hour to serve,
 23We would spend it in some words upon that business,
 24If you would grant the fourth dimension.

                                       At your kind'st leisure.


25.If you shall cleave to my consent, when 'tis: if you requite me your support when the time comes.

 25If you shall cleave to my consent, when 'tis,
 26It shall make honour for you.


26-29.And so I lose none ... counsell'd: under the condition that I lose no honor [personal integrity] in seeking to increase my accolade [recognition and rewards], only e'er proceed my heart gratuitous from guilt and my loyalties articulate [of taint], I am willing to listen [to your proposal].

                                           So I lose none
 27In seeking to broaden it, but all the same proceed
 28My bosom franchised and allegiance clear,
 29I shall be counsell'd.

                                 Good quiet the while!

 30Thanks, sir: the like to you!

Exit Banquo [with Fleance].


31.thy mistress: Lady Macbeth.

 31Go bid thy mistress, when my drink is gear up,

 32She strike upon the bell. Get thee to bed.

Exit [Servant].

 33Is this a dagger which I see before me,
 34The handle toward my hand? Come up, allow me clutch thee.
 35I accept thee non, and still I encounter thee all the same.

36-37.sensible / To feeling: discernible to the sense of touch.

 36Art one thousand not, fatal vision, sensible
 37To feeling every bit to sight? or art thou just
 38A dagger of the mind, a fake creation,

39.heat-oppressed: fevered. The "estrus" comes from obsessively thinking almost the murder that he is about to commit.

 39Proceeding from the oestrus-oppressed brain?
 40I see thee all the same, in form equally palpable
 41As this which now I draw.
 42Thou marshall'st me the way that I was going;

42-43.K marshall'st me ... utilize: you guide me the manner I was already going, and [you are] the aforementioned kind of weapon I had planned to us.

 43And such an instrument I was to use.
 44Mine eyes are made the fools o' the other senses,
 45Or else worth all the residue; I run into thee nevertheless,

46.dudgeon: hilt. gouts: large clots.

 46And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood,

47.Which was not so before: i.e. The blood wasn't in that location a minute ago. 48-49.It is ... eyes: it is the [idea of] the bloody deportment [involved in killing the rex] which creates these forms [of the dagger and of the gouts of blood] seen by my eyes. hemisphere. fifty.abuse: deceive. 51.pall'd sleep: sleep behind bed curtains. 52.Pale Hecat's off'rings: rites and sacrifices dedicated to Hecate [goddess of witchcraft and the moon]. 53.Alarum'd: chosen into action. 54.Whose howl's his watch: whose howl is his watchword. In the extended metaphor that Macbeth uses, the wolf stalks almost, looking for victims, and howls to "withered Murder" when one is establish. thus with his stealthy step: The "thus" seems to indicate that Macbeth now starts towards Male monarch Duncan'south door, stalking his prey like a wolf. 55.With Tarquin's ravishing strides: Tarquin was a famous rapist, and the meaning of the give-and-take "ravish" is "to rape, violate." his blueprint: the object of his plot; his victim. 58.prate: snitch on someone. 59.And take the present horror from the time: and remove the present sense of horror from the occasion. lx.Whiles I threat, he lives: while I brand threats King Duncan still lives.

 47Which was not so earlier. There's no such thing:
 48It is the encarmine business organization which informs
 49Thus to mine eyes. Now o'er the ane half-globe
 50Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams corruption
 51The curtain'd sleep; witchcraft celebrates
 52Pale Hecat'due south off'rings; and wither'd Murder,
 53Alarum'd by his lookout man, the wolf,
 54Whose howl's his sentry, thus with his stealthy pace,
 55With Tarquin's ravishing strides, towards his pattern
 56Moves like a ghost. 1000 sure and house-gear up world,
 57Hear not my steps, which mode they walk, for fear
 58Thy very stones prate of my whereabout,
 59And take the nowadays horror from the time,
 sixtyWhich at present suits with it. Whiles I threat, he lives:
 61Words to the heat of deeds likewise cold breath gives.

A bell rings.

 62I go, and it is washed; the bell invites me.
 63Hear it non, Duncan; for it is a knell
 64That summons thee to heaven or to hell.

